• Lady carrying very large box
    Manual Handling

    One of top injuries in work is due to poor manual handling, whether this is sitting with poor posture at a workstation, working with machinary inappropriately or carrying items incorrectly. Some basic techniques can avoid all these risks.

  • Viking Training Wales Logo
    Viking Training Wales

    Allowing individuals and companies to achieve their full potential through training.

  • Child and bear on bridge
    Safeguarding Children

    If a child disclosed to you that they were being abused, would you know the right things to say and do?

  • Heart with steethscope
    Mental Health & Well Being Awareness

    How does our life style, what we eat, our relationships and our work life balance all impact on our Mental Health? How can we be good colleagues and employers?

  • Viking Training Wales Logo
    Viking Training Wales

    Allowing individuals and companies to achieve their full potential through training.

  • Lady carrying very large box
    Manual Handling

    One top injuries in work is due to poor manualing handling, whether this sitting with poor posture at workstation, working at machinary inappropriately or carrying items incorrectly. Some basic techniques can avoid all these risks.

  • Male leg being bandaged
    Emergency First Aid at Work

    There many injuries in the workplace that do not need hospital, but the one time they do, could keep them alive until the ambulance arrives?

  • Letterbox with wording feedback

    Don't just take our word for it, see what people have said about our training....


Your role in an emergency situation can save a life, with an early call to 999 being one of the most important things you can do. Basic First Aid covers – CPR, Recovery position, Use of AED (De-Fib), choking, Burns & Scalds, Bleeding and Shock.

Conflict Management provides staff members with an understanding of conflicts; what causes them, how they can be managed and ultimately how they can be prevented.

This course provides you the skills to carry out cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibs (AED) on someone who is unconcious and is not breathing.

This one day course provides skills and knowledge to provide emergency treatment to poeple who fall ill or sustain injury in work environment. The course complies with the guideliness and criteria as defined by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE).

This course is suitable for people who need to provide first aid to someone who is injured or becomes ill while at work. This is one of the most popular first aid courses and the course syllabus is laid down by the Health & Safety executive in the Health & Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 Approved Code of Practice.

This course builds on the Manual Handling of Objects course, looking at the safe moving of people whether in care home or hospital environment, but also how this could be applied in the home setting.

Personal safety is of prime importance for those people who work alone or even travel on public transport for their daily commute to work, especially if the journey home is at a late hour and your rail station is isolated from the main public area. We look at having realistic risk assessments in place and methods for keeping safe when lone working.

This course is designed to ensure that we outline the hazards/risks and measures to reduce the risks within your organisation when moving physical objects.

The course is specifically aimed at those who work with children. The course covers the same content as the one day Emergency First Aid training course but does also cover; heart conditions, seizures, head injuries, sprains/fractures, CPR and poisoning.

Everyone has a safeguarding responsibility with regards to vulnerable adults, ensuring that concerns of abuse to their welfare are reported and information is passed on appropriately.

Everyone has a safeguarding responsibility with regards to children and ensuring that they remain safe. You may become aware of a concern or find a child dislosing to you. It is important to know how to react, how to raise a concern and pass on information.